Hardware and Networking

Home Course Hardware & Networking

Hardware & Networking

An introduction to computer networking and hardware concepts and highlights the use of software and hardware tools as an aid to enhance teaching and learning computer networking and hardware fundamentals. A basic knowledge of network topology, channel access protocol, network traffic, and networking devices is needed when designing and implementing a LAN. The term computer hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system — those that one can see and touch. The CPU, memory, and input and output devices are the main components of a computer. To understand the operation of a modern processor, it is important that the student grasp the basic concepts of computer hardware.

    Hardware Course Content

  • Computer Essentials
  • Introduction to computer Hardware
  • Basic Components of PC
  • Hardware Configuration
  • Assembling of PC
  • Installation of Operating System & Application
  • PC Security
  • PC Troubleshooting

    Networking Course Content

  • Networking Concepts
  • Network Essentials & Network Configurations
  • Preface to varioustype of Cables anConnectors used in networking
  • Concept of Hubs, Repeaters, Switches, Bridges. Routers
  • Installing the NIC card
  • LAN Standard & Practicals
  • Ip Addressing & IP Classes
  • TIC/IP Concepts & Cnfiguration of IP Address
  • Network Security
  • Network Troubleshooting